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Password storage types

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Typically, Microsoft Outlook Express stores all passwords (in encrypted form) in the Protected Storage subsystem, in other Registry areas, or in special credentials files oh nard disk). However, some old versions can store account passwords in a plain (unencrypted) form, or encrypted with weak algorithm (logical XOR operation). In some cases, EINPB can show wrong passwords, for example if your system Registry is damaged, or you do not have enough rights (permissions) to access some keys in Registry, or Protected Storage subsystem is not installed on your computer. Displaying of Password Storage Types will help you to identify why some passwords are displayed incorrectly. Here is a brief description of Password Storage Types:



Password is successfully retrieved and stored in Protected Storage.


Password is successfully retrieved and stored in system Registry using "old-style" weak encryption algorithm.


Outlook 97; password is stored with MAPI.


Password was not found in Protected Storage, in some cases it indicates that user name is used as password, or Protected Storage subsystem is damaged.


Unknown Password Storage Type. You may use version of Outlook Express that is not supported by EINPB, or your system Registry is damaged.


Error in password retrieving.


Password was not retrieved. You do not have enough rights to unlock the Protected Storage, or Protected Storage is not installed on your machine.


Password for this account is absent.


Windows Mail


Windows Live Mail


If Storage Type is "UN", "ER" or "NR", please send your debug log (see Options) to ElcomSoft technical support.

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